Kaiser Permanente medical plan – California residents only
Kaiser Permanente is a Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) medical plan available in California only. If you choose the Kaiser Permanente Plan, your primary care physician (PCP) coordinates your care, typically at one location, within the Kaiser network. Prescription drug coverage is included.
At Kaiser Permanente, physician-led teams work together to make sure the care you get is tailored to your needs. Your care team is connected to your electronic health record, which makes it easy to share information, see your health history, and deliver high-quality, personalized care — when and where you need it. Your care team – no matter who you see in the network – has access to all your important records.
Manage your care online
See how easy it is to stay on top of your care. When you register at kp.org, you get the most out of your Kaiser Permanente membership — and can manage your health anytime, anywhere. When you register for an online account, you can access many time-saving tools and tips for healthy living, including:
View most lap test results
Refill most prescriptions
Choose your doctor based on what’s important to you, and change anytime
Email your Kaiser Permanente doctor’s office with non-urgent questions
Schedule and cancel routine appointments
Print vaccination records for school, sports, and camp
Manage a family member’s health
Register for an online account at kp.org or on the Kaiser Permanente mobile app.
Follow the sign-on instructions. You’ll need your health/medical record number, which you can find on your Kaiser Permanente ID card.
Eligibility: All Kaiser Permanente plan enrollees.
Get Started: View this helpful Guide to get you started with your online account; learn how to find providers, fill an Rx and access your digital ID card.
Kaiser Permanente traditional HMO plan details
Self-only coverage (A family of one member) Family coverage (Each member in a family of two or more members) Family coverage (Entire family of two or more members) Plan out-of-pocket maximum $1,500 $1,500 $3,000 Deductible None None None Drug deductible None None None In-network only Company contributions to HSA Not available Physician office visit - Most primary care visits and most non-physician specialist visits: $20 copay
- Most physician specialist visits: $20 copay
Routine physical maintenance exams, including well-woman visits No charge Well-child preventive exams (through age 23 months) No charge Scheduled prenatal care exams No charge Routine eye exams with a plan optometrist No charge Urgent care consultations, evaluations, and treatment $20 copay Most physical, occupational, and speech therapy $20 copay Telehealth visits (primary care and physician specialist) No charge ER visit $150 copay Ambulance services $50 copay Inpatient hospital admission $500 copay per admission Outpatient surgery $100 copay per procedure Standard Imaging (Lab and X-ray) $10 copay Advanced Radiological Imaging (e.g., MRI, CT, PET scans) $50 copay Infertility Treatment Certain services covered; 50% coinsurance Mental Health/Substance Abuse Services - Inpatient: $500 copay
- Outpatient: $20 copay
Home health care (up to 100 visits) No charge Eyeglasses or contact lenses every 24 months $350 allowance Hearing aids every 36 months $1,000 allowance Please click here to view a chart of your biweekly paycheck cost.
You can also review these FAQs on salary bands.
Key terminology
The amount you need to pay out of pocket before your plan starts paying benefits.
The amount you pay for care after you meet your deductible. Coinsurance is generally a percentage of the total cost of care for specific services.
Out-of-pocket maximum
The most you’ll pay in a given year for all covered health care expenses. After you or any other eligible family member pays this amount, your plan pays 100% for the rest of the calendar year. Or, after the family out-of-pocket maximum has been met, the Plan pays 100% for each eligible family member’s expenses.