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Commuter benefits

Commuter Benefits

Iron Mountain offers a commuter benefits program that allows you to set aside pre- and post-tax funds to pay for your expenses related to commuting to and from work. This includes:

Public transportation: Including bus, train, subway, ferry, eligible vanpool services, carpools, and commuter highway vehicles.

Parking: Expenses related to parking at or near work or at a location from which you commute to work using mass transit, van pooling, or carpooling. This does not include parking where you live.

  • Eligibility

    All benefits-eligible Mountaineers who work a minimum of 20 hours per week, are eligible for commuter benefits. These benefits can only be used for Mountaineers who use parking or mass transit for commuting to the workplace. If you’re currently working exclusively from home, you’re not eligible for commuter benefits.

  • How it works

    The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) sets the maximum monthly pretax deduction limit – the maximum monthly limit that may be excluded from an employee’s income for qualified commuter benefits. You can choose the pretax amount you would like added to your NetBenefits CommuterCard® via payroll deduction, up to $325 for 2025. Keep in mind, if the amount you want to spend with your CommuterCard exceeds the IRS maximum monthly limit, the transaction will be declined. Instead, use another form of payment and reimburse yourself via NetBenefits.

    Iron Mountain also allows you to elect post-tax amounts. Electing both pre and post-tax funds enables you to use your debit card for all your commuter expenses, even if your monthly expenses exceed the IRS pretax limits.

    Note: The IRS has a requirement that commuter claims must be submitted within 180 days of incurring the expense.

    Transit pass details

    If you place an order for a transit pass, Iron Mountain will contribute up to $80 a month to your account.

    Parking expense details

    The most common eligible expenses are charges for parking at or near your place of work, or at a location from which you commute to work, such as a train station.

    Vanpool expense details

    If you vanpool, the van must be used mainly for commuting (at least 80% of the time). The van must seat at least six adults, plus the driver. On a regular basis, it must be at least half full. A van that you or one of the other riders owns or operates as your personal vehicle isn’t an eligible vanpool.

    What it costs: The option to enroll in and contribute to commuter benefits is available at no additional cost to you.

  • Get started

    Log on to Netbenefits. If you already have a username and password for another Fidelity account, use that same login information. Otherwise, select Register as a new user and follow the step-by-step instructions. Navigate to “Flexible spending and reimbursement accounts” to enroll. For step-by-step guidance, review this Enrollment Guide for additional details.

Important Deadlines
  • Ongoing Enrollment window: The monthly deadline to make a commuter election is the 5th day of the previous month. For example, enroll by January 5 for February benefits.
  • Parking Benefit with Inspira Financial: You have until March 31, 2025, to submit expenses incurred by December 31, 2024.

For more information, contact Fidelity at 833-299-5089.