My Work/Life
Keeping your beneficiary designations up to date ensures that loved ones know what to do when it comes to managing assets and insurance benefits if you have a sudden health crisis.
Take time to designate your beneficiaries or review who you’ve designated as your beneficiary(ies) for your life insurance, 401(k), and other benefits, and ensure all your beneficiary address information is up to date.
Primary and Secondary Beneficiaries
What is the difference between a primary beneficiary and a secondary or contingent beneficiary?
Your primary beneficiary is the person(s) who will be first to receive any account assets after you pass away. In the event your primary beneficiary passes away at the same time as you or after, your secondary, or contingent, beneficiary is eligible to receive the remaining death benefits.
Note: If you are married and do not list your spouse as your primary beneficiary, you will need your spouse’s permission to designate a different primary beneficiary.
What if I choose “My Estate” as my primary beneficiary?
You can name your estate as a beneficiary, but it is important to have an estate executor arranged if you choose this option. The executor of the estate will be responsible for distributing your estate in the event of your passing.
How to designate beneficiaries
Before designating your beneficiaries, you need to gather required information, including name, address, and phone number. Your beneficiaries can be changed at any time.