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Brief Site Interruptions Expected on Saturday, March 15th due to site maintenance. Brief downtimes may occur during this time. We appreciate your patience. For support, you can contact the Iron Mountain Flexible Benefits Helpline, Monday through Friday, 9 am to 5 pm by calling
01252 767 058.

Bike to work

Bike to work

Get fit — and save money! — by cycling to work.

  • Overview

    By swapping your car for a bike, you’ll save on petrol or public transportation costs. Iron Mountain will provide you with a bike for a year, and if you like it, you can purchase it at a fair market price. You’ll also save on cycling accessories, such as helmets, gloves, lights and more. And, you don’t pay tax or National Insurance (NI) on these accessories!

  • How it works

    When you join the bike-to-work scheme, you allot up to £2,000 from your annual salary (i.e., salary sacrifice) to go toward a bike and accessories to use to mainly commute to and from work. The amount you choose needs to cover your total cycling expenses for the year. The costs will be deducted from your pay each month.

    You select a bike and accessories from Halfords, Treadz, or other independent retailers. (Search for a retailer nearest to you.) Plus, with this scheme, you qualify for:

    • A free £25 accessory voucher

    • A 10% discount on all cycling equipment from Halfords for 12 months (restrictions apply)

    • Lifetime safety checks on all cycles you hire through the scheme

    • A lifetime guarantee on Halfords-branded bikes

    • Free insurance for a limited period (activation required)

    At the end of the 12-month period, you can buy your bike and accessories for fair market value or extend the agreement for an additional period of time (depending on your package).