Waters Wellness Now – with Virgin Pulse!
Waters Wellness Now – with Virgin Pulse!

Waters is excited to offer wellness benefits through Virgin Pulse. Virgin Pulse is here to provide you with an industry-leading wellness platform.Participating in Virgin Pulse will allow you to:
Engage with the personalized web site and App.
Establish your interests & tackle your Journey.
Utilize certified coaches to help you with your wellbeing goals.
Learn from the available health & wellness resources.
Join or start a well-being social group on a topic that interests you.
Invite friends & family even non-employees) to be a part of your support network, even invite them to participate in personal challenges.
Shop for health/well-being products in the Virgin Pulse store.
Earn incentives awards with frequent engagement with the platform.
All Waters employees are eligible to participate in the program, even those who aren’t enrolled in a health plan. Spouses or partners can also participate and earn their own points if they are enrolled in a Waters medical plan. You’ll have a number of ways to help you with your own personal health and wellness goals. You can work with a coach, and participate in challenges, too.
Also, with Virgin Pulse, you’ll be able to earn points throughout each quarterly game for the entire program year. Earned points will equate to Pulse Cash, which you can use in the Virgin Pulse store, to buy gift cards, or even donate to charity! Additionally, if you are enrolled in a Waters medical plan and have an HSA or HRA Account, you can earn additional company contributions into your HSA/HRA account by completing a Health Assessment, Biometric Screening and Annual Physical/Well Visit. Medically covered spouses/partners can also earn this contribution into the employee’s HSA/HRA account.
Visit WatersWellnessNow.com to learn more.