Legal Plan
In case you ever find yourself in need of a qualified attorney, Waters has arranged for you to have access to MetLaw® the group legal plan through Hyatt Legal Plans, at a reduced rate.
Features include:
A nationwide network of attorneys
Advice (by phone, or in person) on an unlimited number of personal legal matters
Representation for a wide variety of legal services
No waiting period, dollar caps, copayments, or claim forms
Hundreds of dollars in savings for such services as:
Estate planning documents, including wills and trusts
Real estate
Identity theft
Financial issues, including defense for debt-collection and traffic offenses
Document review
Family law, including adoption and name change
Sign up during open enrollment and get all of the above for just $234.00 for the whole year.
To learn more, go to the Learn – Resource Library section of, call 1-800 Get-Met 8 (1-800-438-6388) or visit