Hinge Health for Musculoskeletal Help
Hinge Health
Another service available to all US and Puerto Rico benefits-eligible employees, as well as their covered spouses or partners, is Hinge Health. This free, interactive program includes a tablet and wearable sensors to help those with muscle and joint pain, like knee, back, hip, neck, shoulder pain, and pelvic health. Participation is simple and takes as little as 15 minutes per session, up to 45 minutes per week, easily fitting into your busy schedule, anytime and anywhere.
If you enroll in this program, you’ll receive a free tablet computer, and wearable motion sensors that will guide you through the exercises, all designed to help you with Hinge’s unlimited 1-on-1 health coaching, and personalized exercise therapy. This exercise therapy and interactive education is tailored to your condition and schedule. There is also an opportunity for help with weight loss to also help reduce joint pain.
Hinge Health will still be offering their Musculoskeletal Digital Clinic.

Read more and/or apply at hinge.health/waters. To speak directly with Hinge, call (855) 902-2777.